
UMBC professor: Out-of-state money could impact Senate race

UMBC professor: Out-of-state money could impact Senate race

Millions Raised, Millions Spent: Maryland's Senate Race Heats Up

With the November election just months away, the race for Maryland's Senate seat has become a high-stakes battle, with both major party candidates raising millions of dollars to fuel their campaigns. As the fundraising numbers are released, a closer look reveals a complex and competitive landscape that could shape the outcome of this pivotal race.

A Clash of Titans: Alsobrooks and Hogan's Fundraising Prowess

In the months since the primary election in May, Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks and former Governor Larry Hogan have each managed to raise over million, showcasing their formidable fundraising abilities. This level of financial resources is unusual for a state like Maryland, where political races have traditionally been less competitive.

Neck-and-Neck in the Fundraising Race

The latest campaign finance reports indicate that Alsobrooks and Hogan are in a virtual dead heat when it comes to the amount of money they have raised. This suggests that both candidates have been able to tap into a significant pool of donors, reflecting the high stakes and intense interest in this Senate race.

Expensive Primary Sets the Stage

According to UMBC associate professor of political science Ian Anson, the primary election leading up to this race was "incredibly expensive," one of the most costly in recent memory. This has set the stage for a fiercely contested general election, with both candidates well-positioned to wage an aggressive campaign.

Candidate Coffers: Alsobrooks and Hogan's War Chests

As the campaign moves forward, Anson notes that both Alsobrooks and Hogan are in strong financial positions. Alsobrooks' campaign has approximately .6 million in cash on hand, while Hogan's campaign war chest stands at .7 million. These substantial war chests will allow the candidates to invest heavily in advertising, outreach, and other campaign activities.

The Super PAC Factor: A Lopsided Landscape

However, the real disparity lies in the realm of super PAC money. Anson points out that a Republican-aligned super PAC, "Maryland's Future PAC," has amassed a staggering million, the vast majority of which has come from out-of-state Republican donors. In contrast, there is currently no super PAC with anywhere near that level of funding supporting Alsobrooks' campaign.

Bracing for a Deluge of Ads

Anson warns that Maryland voters should brace themselves for a "deluge" of political advertisements in the coming months, as the candidates and their supporting super PACs engage in an intense battle for airtime and voter attention. Given the tendency of super PACs to favor negative advertising, Anson expects the campaign landscape to become increasingly contentious.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee's Potential Intervention

While the Republican super PAC has a significant financial advantage, Anson anticipates that groups like the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee will step up to support Alsobrooks in the months ahead. This could help level the playing field and ensure that the Democratic candidate has the resources necessary to mount a robust and competitive campaign.In the end, the race for Maryland's Senate seat has become a high-stakes, high-dollar affair, with both Alsobrooks and Hogan vying for the opportunity to represent the state in the nation's capital. As the campaign season unfolds, the outcome will not only depend on the candidates' ability to connect with voters, but also on the strategic deployment of the substantial financial resources at their disposal.
